Road Trip Tomorrow!

Well my faithful readers…tomorrow is the start of Road Trip ’08. I’ve done my last couple of hours of face to face work with my client (I’ll have some reports to write on the road..but that’s cool. I have a super nerdy little laptop table to use in the car LOL), and now I need to get my head around packing. My big white board is full with six different packing lists and I’m starting to wonder how it’s all going to jigsaw into the car πŸ™‚ .

Packing for me is fine…that’s the easy part. Clothes, computer and my sketchbooks. Simple. Packing for the little boys is another story, particularly since their idea of putting their laundry away involves shoving stuff wherever it fits…I could get them to find stuff I suppose, but they don’t get the whole minimalist packing thing. As for the older boy…he can definitely pack his own stuff πŸ™‚

I plan to post a little something every day, well as much as I can anyway…who knows if my broadband connection will stand the test of the Australian boonies…should be right up the coast. Here’s a tentative plan of our trip. (“A” is the start point and I’m betting that the “E” marker will move down to Toowoomba) We’ll do somewhere between four and five thousand kilometres in the time we’ll be away. Yikes!

See you on the road peoples!


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